Easter is a fun time of year filled with spending time with family and pets, warm spring weather, Easter egg hunts and of course chocolate! But for our beloved four-legged friends, Easter can be a very dangerous time of the year if they get their mucky paws on something they shouldn’t.
There are many consumables that we eat that may be very toxic to your best friend. Here at Roe Valley Veterinary Clinic, we want to ensure that your pet is safe throughout the Easter period.
Consumables that can affect your pet’s health over the Easter Period
Hot Cross Buns
We all love a hot cross bun over Easter and I’m sure your four-legged friend would too! However, sharing this with your pet can cause severe kidney failure and sickness. These yummy buns contain raisins/sultanas and other tasty fruits which are toxic to your pet. Signs and symptoms of kidney failure do not always show instantly and can be fatal to your pet. Therefore, as challenging as it is, do not give in to those puppy dog eyes!
Easter Eggs
Many people believe that chocolate is good for your pet, however chocolate contains an ingredient called ‘Theobromine’, which can be harmful to your furry friend. If your pet has helped itself to some eggs/chocolate over the Easter period, please contact the practice straight away. Chocolate toxicity can cause convulsions, heart problems, hyperexcitability and seizures, which again could be fatal to your pet. To help prevent your pet from consuming any chocolat,e please ensure that it is put away out of your pet's reach. Remember: Chocolate is also hard for your pet to resist, not just humans!
Spring bulbs
Daffodils - you know it's spring when the daffodils start popping up! But unfortunately, they’re poisonous to dogs if they decide to take a chomp out of one. Dogs can suffer from vomiting, lethargy and even fits if they eat the bulb, flower or, if you pick some for the house, the water they sit in.
Tulips - as pleasant and colorful as tulips look, don’t let your pet be fooled by them! If your pet consumes tulips, this can cause drooling, diarrhea and vomiting. Other more severe symptoms also include difficulty breathing and heart problems.
If you have seen your dog eat something that they shouldn’t, don’t wait for symptoms to appear. Call the practice immediately to ask for advice.