Our qualified Veterinary Nurse Naoimh Toner runs a very popular nurse clinic on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 4:00pm and 6:30pm. Similarly to our Vet consultations, we run the Nurse Clinic by appointment only. This is to minimise waiting time for you and to make our system as efficacious as possible. You can request an appointment here.
Health Checks
Please remember, if you are concerned by an illness or condition that has not been seen to or diagnosed by a Vet, we recommend making an appointment with them first.
Diabetic Clinic
We realise it can be daunting to find out that your pet is diabetic. Understandably, clients worry initially about administering the daily injections and noticing the dangerous changes which can occur with their pet's blood sugar. The nurse will work hand in hand with the Vet while offering you worthwhile advice on the initial period and through to the long term with regard to specific diets and exercise.
Dental Care
Are your pet's kisses no longer as sweet as they used to be? Bad breath is common in older animals and can be a sign of a dental disease or, in some cases, other illness. Why not pop in to see Naoimh and let her advise you on the next best step?
Pet Slimming Club
Unfortunately, nowadays as many as a third of our pets are classified as overweight. Just like us, those extra few inches around their waist can predispose your pet to serious health problems such as diabetics, joint and heart diseases and urinary stones. Naoimh is very sympathetic to owners and takes time to work through each case and devise a specific plan of diet and exercise to suit your situation.